
Metrovino Loves Sherry

Metrovino Loves Sherry

“Sherry is undoubtedly one of the most intriguing wines to ever grace my palate. It is simultaneously meditative and transcendental, possessing intrinsic flavour complexities and managing to fantastically pair with virtually anything that you’re eating. Sherry is your best friend and your lover; just when you think you understand all of its nuances, it reveals a new facet of itself that you didn't know existed... you thereupon fall even deeper in love, continually captivated and curious…”

Why are we here?

Why are we here?

"My people were entirely Nordic, which is to say idiots. Every wrong idea which has ever been expounded was theirs... Until I was about ten years old I never realized that there were 'warm' countries, places where you didn't have to sweat for a living, nor shiver and pretend that it was tonic and exhilarating. "
-        Henry Miller

Calgary's Top Wine Professionals Speak...

Calgary's Top Wine Professionals Speak...

...about Sherry.

“I love Sherry because when Magellan was preparing to circumnavigate the world he spent more on Sherry than weapons. I love Sherry because she sounds like a kind, wise and loving middle-aged woman. I love Sherry because I can buy and consume something older than myself. I love sherry because it makes almost any food better. I love Sherry because I can taste and smell Manzanilla right now without any being near me. I love sherry because it makes my hands sticky.”

- Kurt da Silva, Teatro